Celebrating Mônica's 60th Anniversary
In this portfolio, we showcase a series of actions and projects developed to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Mônica, the iconic character created by Mauricio de Sousa. Marking six decades of a remarkable and story-filled journey, these initiatives highlight Mônica's significance and cultural impact in Brazil and beyond. From innovative exhibitions and creative partnerships to actions that bridge the past with the present, each project reflects the enduring strength and relevance of this beloved character. Explore how these celebrations honor Mônica’s legacy and her ongoing influence over the years.
Celebração dos 60 Anos de Mônica
Neste portfólio, apresentamos uma série de ações e projetos desenvolvidos para celebrar o 60º aniversário da Mônica, a icônica personagem criada por Mauricio de Sousa. Comemorando seis décadas de uma jornada marcante e cheia de histórias, essas iniciativas destacam a importância e o impacto cultural da Mônica no Brasil e além. Desde exposições inovadoras e parcerias criativas até ações que conectam o passado ao presente, cada projeto reflete a força e a relevância duradoura dessa personagem amada. Explore como essas celebrações homenageiam o legado de Mônica e sua influência contínua ao longo dos anos.
Design project to Brazilian Soap Opera from the biggest channel TV in Brazil. Rede Globo. ‘A REGRA DO JOGO’’. Facades of two fictional cities were created and more than 100 products as well as fictitious characters logos.
Projeto de Design para a Novela das 21h: ‘A REGRA DO JOGO’ da Rede Globo. Foram criadas fachadas de duas cidades cenográficas e mais de 100 produtos fictícios além de logotipos de personagens.
Role: Creative Director / Designer
Campaign created to raise awareness of unnecessary water usage. Peeing in the shower saves water and that was seen as a myth. Our role was to make a funny campaign that would change the bad image this could bring.
Urinalswith shower were installed in SOS Rain Forest events´ retrooms to elude the participants and promote the campaign.
Soap pamphlet. Instead of common leaflets to advertize the campaign, we created a soap that was distributed at SOS Mata Atlantica’s associated events.
Drain Target. Target made of rubber to be placed over the shower drain. No one misses the target.
Role: Designer
- Cannes Lion:
Silver/Gold/Titanium & Integrated
Adopt a Little Fan, a campaign for Sport Club do Recife FC.
In Brazil, 8 in every 10 kids awaiting adoption are over 7 years old. The problem is that 95% of parents interested in adoption think this kids are too old. What happens is that they end up living in shelters until they come of age.
To call people's attention to this problem, we are using Brazilians´ biggest passion: soccer. That can be the first connection between them.
We created the first adoption program supported by a soccer team.
Adote um pequeno torcedor, uma campanha para o Sport Clube Recife.
No Brasil, 8 em cada 10 crianças que esperam adoção tem mais de 7 anos. O problema é que 95% dos pais que desejam adotar acham essas crianças velhas demais. O que acontece é que elas acabam morando em abrigos até atingir a maioridade. Para ajudar a resolver esse problema, vamos usar a maior paixão do Brasil: o futebol. Essa vai ser a primeira conexão entre eles.
Assim criamos primeiro programa de adoção apoiado por um clube de futebol.
Role: Creative Director / Designer
Recognition: 19 fans adopted
Em 2020, fui uma das pessoas que participou do concurso lançado pelo Esporte Clube Bahia para criar sua camisa de futebol, e acreditem, saí como o grande vencedor! Ver meus designs sendo usados pelos jogadores ao longo do ano foi uma emoção indescritível. Deixei uma marca histórica no clube e pude mostrar como a dedicação pode transformar sonhos em realidade.
A camisa de futebol de 2021 ficará para sempre na memória, pois é uma prova viva de como a criatividade e a paixão de um torcedor podem fazer toda a diferença no futebol. Ver meus designs em campo foi incrível, uma sensação de realização única.
E a cereja do bolo? A camisa listrada que criei foi considerada pela torcida como a mais bonita do século! A sensação de ser reconhecido e elogiado pelos torcedores do Bahia foi simplesmente sensacional.
In 2020, I was one of the participants in the contest launched by Esporte Clube Bahia to create their football jersey, and believe it or not, I emerged as the ultimate champion! Witnessing my designs being worn by the players throughout the year was an indescribable thrill. I made a historic mark on the club, demonstrating how dedication can turn dreams into reality.
The football jersey of 2021 will forever be etched in memory as a living testament to how a fan's creativity and passion can make all the difference in the world of football. Seeing my designs on the field was simply incredible, a feeling of unparalleled accomplishment.
And the cherry on top? The striped jersey I created was hailed by the fans as the most beautiful of the century! Being recognized and praised by the Bahia supporters was absolutely sensational.
In Brazil, beer is only good if it's ice-cold. But to get yours at the right temperature home can take some time.
We developed a print as made with a special paper that cools your beer in half of the time.
You soak the ad in water, wrap it around the bottle and put it in the freezer. The salt on the paper accelerates the cooling process and cools your beer much faster. Before you realize it, you'll have a ready to drink ice-cold Glacial in your hands.
Role: Creative Director
Recognition: Silver El-ojo
Coca-Cola, Disney, and Kinoplex in partnership for the new episode of star wars presents a Kylo Ren transparent special cup.
Role: Creative Director
For the first time in history ESPN journalists have done merchandise on their shows. As the last week of the year has the best of NFL, NBA and european soccer, you'll need extra power to watch it all. That's why we created Superweek, an energy drink produced and released with a huge campaign and product placement on ESPN. 5 thousand cans were distributed and one week later we revealed that Superweek is the week full of exclusive games.
Role: Art Director
Created logotype for Jewish film festival of São Paulo.
Role: Designer
Philips Walita was launching its new brand positioning: “The Power of Homemade Food”. We created a new service for people to feel and experience it: “The World’s Best Food Delivery”.
For the first time, people could get the best food in the world, their own mom’s meals, delivered at the office or wherever they were through
an app. Not only the food but everything was customized with their mom’s personality.
- On the first week, The World's Best Food Delivery reached about 500 downloads.
- Philips Walita delivered hundreds of mom’s meals and 100% of kids and moms were satisfied.
Role: Creative Director / Designer
We created an all-type campaign with the words that represent every woman’s dream in a relationship: passion, love and romance. Excpet that a diamond hidden behind the letter “o” makes you think of a tiffany ring, something else that they dream of.
Every detail was thought out carefully, as a tiffany ring. A typology was handmade based on wedding invitations, and as an artesan polishes its diamonds, they were vectored, resulting in a neat and perfect shape. Then, through a process of volumetry, they gained depth and movement.
Role: Creative Director
In a country where free wi-fi hotspots are rarely seen, how does the most traditional skateboard brand in the world prove that our partnership with skaters is unbreakable?
Skaters are prone to injuries. There's nothing worse for a young skater than being put aside because of a broken arm or leg.
To easy the pain of those unable to skate for a while. We developed the WI-FI Cast an orthopedic plaster equipped with a tiny wi-fi router.
By giving them free and fast internet connection during their recovery, we showed that Santa Cruz is by skaters' side even when they can't skate.
Role: Creative Director/ Designer
Popular festival in northeastern Brazil, São João festival has as a strong feature, clothing made with fabric swatches. So we brought the graphic and design material to the same characteristic. After sewing and propping the characters, we photographed them. These are pieces of the material: Outdoor, Gable, Posters and Banners.
Role: Designer
Flamengo's shirt is known as a second skin between their fans. We created a campaign where a player leaves his skin undressed revealing the second skin red and black. Other items with icons linked to the club were created to advertise the new club shirt.
Role: Designer/Ilustrator
O PARQUE - Design Inspirado na Natureza
Como designer da identidade visual e criador do nome O PARQUE, mergulhei na essência da natureza para conceber uma marca que une a vida urbana com a beleza das plantas nativas. Este empreendimento inovador em São Paulo traz a flora local de volta ao seu habitat, e minha missão foi traduzir essa visão em um design elegante e acolhedor. Com um toque de criatividade e leveza, a identidade visual de O PARQUE reflete sustentabilidade e modernidade, criando uma experiência visual única que convida os moradores a viverem em harmonia com a natureza.
Mexican beer developed to the Brazilian market.
Role: Designer
Bohemia Beer: Launch of Special Editions – Dark and Wheat Beers
Bohemia launched two special editions: a dark beer and a wheat beer, both initially planned to be on the market for 5 months. Due to their tremendous success, they were incorporated into Inbev's main catalog. These releases not only delighted consumers with their unique characteristics but also reaffirmed Bohemia’s tradition and innovation.
Cerveja Bohemia: Lançamento das Edições Especiais de Cerveja Escura e de Trigo
A Bohemia lançou duas edições especiais: uma cerveja escura e uma de trigo, ambas inicialmente programadas para permanecer no mercado por 5 meses. No entanto, devido ao sucesso estrondoso dessas edições, elas foram incorporadas ao catálogo principal da Inbev. Esses lançamentos não só encantaram os consumidores com suas características únicas, mas também reafirmaram a tradição e inovação da marca Bohemia.
Skol Promotional Piece: Enhanced Visibility for Street Vendors
We created a special promotional piece for Skol, distributed to street vendors to increase their visibility in the crowd. This initiative helps Skol stand out and be easily recognizable, promoting the brand in an innovative and impactful way within the urban environment.
Peça Promocional da Skol: Visibilidade Aumentada para Vendedores de Rua
Desenvolvemos uma peça promocional especial para a Skol, distribuída para vendedores de rua com o objetivo de aumentar sua visibilidade em meio à multidão. Essa ação permite que a Skol se destaque e seja facilmente identificada, promovendo a marca de forma inovadora e impactante no ambiente urbano.
Skol's 5-Liter Barrel
In an innovative action, Skol launched its 5-liter barrel, and to celebrate in style, we scaled up the size of the "miquitórios" to match the new capacity. This activation was rolled out across various bars in São Paulo, providing customers with a more fun and memorable beer experience.
The urinal were adapted to accommodate the larger barrel size, creating a seamless integration between the product and the consumer experience. This initiative added a new dimension to how beer is enjoyed, showcasing Skol's creativity and commitment to delivering unique moments to its consumers.
Skol Barril
Em uma ação inovadora, a Skol lançou seu barril de 5 litros, e para celebrar em grande estilo, ampliamos o tamanho dos miquitórios para corresponder à nova capacidade. Esta ativação foi realizada em diversos bares de São Paulo, oferecendo aos clientes uma experiência de cerveja ainda mais divertida e marcante.
Os miquitórios foram adaptados para acomodar o tamanho extra do barril, criando uma integração perfeita entre o produto e a experiência do consumidor. A ação trouxe uma nova dimensão à forma como a cerveja é apreciada, refletindo a criatividade e o compromisso da Skol em oferecer momentos únicos aos seus consumidores.
Role: Designer